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File Sharing

High Quality Designs, Professional Services, Affordable Pricing!

File Sharing Options

File Sharing Options
How do you want to share your files with me?
Send all files to info@raegrafix.com


Include the current logo design that you want featured on your site, and the content such as the bio, all event flyers, contact info, pictures, video links etc.
  • One (1) main image for the cover
  • One (1) written bio
  • At least four (4) photos
  • Up to two (2) videos (optional)
  • Music in MP3 format (at least one (1) song) with album artwork (or single artwork)
  • Contact information for booking
    • Booking email address, phone number and contact name
    • social networking (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reverbnation, Soundcloud, etc.)
If you have a drawing that you want to base your logo design from, please submit it here.
Submit your pictures that you want included on the graphic along with the details you want included on the graphic.
Please submit your front and back cover, complete tracklist and all songs in MP3 or WAV format.

To join the RaeGrafix Affiliate Program, sign up here.

For web design or graphic design quotes, request a quote here.

For appointments and/or consultations, schedule one here.